Springfield Parks for Pollinators
Pollinator Garden Project
The Springfield Parks Foundation is planting pollinator gardens at select parks throughout the Springfield Area.
What is a pollinator garden?
Pollinator gardens attract pollinators such as bees, some birds, bats, and other insects. These play a crucial role in the flowering plant reproduction of most fruits and vegetables. These flowering plants are an important part of food production. It is estimated that pollinators are responsible for 1 in 3 of the bites of food we eat!
They are also important habitats for monarch butterflies. Monarch butterfly habits have been declining and so has the population of butterflies. Pollinator gardens can offer an important habitat to help repopulate our Illinois state insect, the monarch butterfly.
Why in the Springfield parks?
Springfield area parks have space and access to natural resources to support pollinator gardens. They not only provide crucial support for pollinators like bees, but they will be a beautiful addition to the park's overall appeal.
How can you help support the Pollinator Garden Project?
We are so glad that you asked! There are two major ways that you can help make this project a reality.
You can volunteer with us. We will begin the Fall of 2019 to prepare the ground for the gardens. And we will need help planting the gardens starting in Spring 2020. Volunteer and help us add these pollinator gardens to the Springfield parks. Email us at info@springfieldparksfoundation.org
Don't have time to volunteer? Donate to the project and help us to plant pollinator gardens at your Springfield area parks!
Want more details on pollinator gardens?
Check out these great resources and get inspired to build your own pollinator garden!
Pop Up Prairie
Million Pollinator Garden Challenge
Gardening for Pollinators from the United States Department of Agriculture